How to automate response to cyberthreats and increase your security maturity

  • Date 15/09/2022
  • Time 18:00
  • Location Virtual

Why attend this webinar?

Security analysts are continuously inundated with alerts. Some of these alerts could be false positives, but some are critical and warrant an immediate response. If the security analyst isn’t able to provide an immediate response, there’s a risk that the threat morphs into something catastrophic. But how can analysts provide an immediate response if they continuously receive alerts? The answer is response automation. Response automation enables analysts to mitigate threats effectively. Join us in this webinar to learn more.


  • The need for automated response to achieve threat mitigation and remediation.
  • What do you need to consider while building an automated response workflow?
  • How to ensure that security analysts collaborate efficiently as they solve a problem.
  • How to track the state of an incident continuously.
  • Integration of a SIEM solution and a ticketing tool: How this can help you respond faster.
  • An example of automated response with ManageEngine Log360.


Product expert